Confessing Sin, using Ps. 119:153-160

Gracious God, we call on you for forgiveness this morning in all humility. We deserve the wages of sin, all the afflictions of this life plus everlasting torment in hell. We have not sought you and obedience to your rules as we ought, so we plead that you would redeem us from sin and affliction. Give us life! “Great is your mercy, O LORD… Give me life according to your steadfast love.” Thank you that we have an advocate before you, Jesus Christ the righteous, who atoned for our sins. We thank you that now even our afflictions are turned for good. We praise you as those set free in your truth and forgiven in your Son. Change us, Holy Spirit, to serve you with our whole hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. (Based on Psalm 119:153-160 and 1 John 1:5-2:2).