Yesterday as I reflected on Isaiah’s amazing words, it struck me that God’s promise to be with us in the fire and waters changes the way we look […]
Brief Review: A Reader’s Hebrew and Greek Bible: Second Edition
For years, I have longed to have the Greek New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament in one volume. Biblia Sacra is the common gold standard, but it […]
A Higher Power at Work
My children and I are enjoying listening to Where the Red Fern Grows together. After the boy gets his puppies, he reflects on God’s providence: Still mumbling names […]
Another Prayer Based on Jonah 1
Gracious God and Father, we humble ourselves before you and plead for forgiveness today. Isaiah tells us that sin separates us from you, and we know it all […]
A Prayer Based on Jonah 1
Father, we confess that the spirit of Jonah still lives in us, for we rebel against your commands. We think we know better than you. We lean on […]
A Prayer from Micah 5
Holy God, there is none like you. We bow down before your infinite majesty, your perfect justice, and your inexplicable mercy. You have done what human ‘wisdom’ cannot […]
Guilt, Grace, Gratitude
This is the pattern of the Christian life: Guilt, Grace, Gratitude. There is so much to this dynamic. For example, it shows us that: Truth transforms. Christian salvation […]
The Many Andrew Millers
Andrew Miller is a more common name than you might expect. I can remember calling the library as a child to renew my books and having to not […]